While someone using a fake ID or passport may believe it is easy to get away with doing so, they may be surprised to learn how simple it can be to detect a fake ID. This is especially true if a genuine ID has been tampered with or copied.


Checking the ID for basic features — Often the only thing needed to check that an ID is fake is the naked eye. This is how governmental agencies can quickly detect a fake passport or ID, as each one should have specific markings and details on it.

The details they look for include any evidence the laminate seal has been tampered with, as forgers will often peel back the laminate in order to replace a genuine photograph with one of a different person.

The numbers on an ID are also often altered. This is another easy way to detect a fake ID, as there are usually two places these numbers occur. One in an obvious place, and one that is not so obvious. It is difficult to change numbers in both places.


Checking the microprint strip — Most IDs and passports also have a microprint or strip that is visible on each of them. When examined with a magnifying glass, it is easy to see the pertinent information visible on the strip.

This information includes things like date of birth, identifying features or information pertinent to a particular state. It is also impossible to alter or forge.


Using an ultraviolet light — Most states also include features on a license or other ID that are only visible under an ultraviolet light.

If you know what those features are, it is simple to detect if they are visible on the ID you are checking or not.


Using the barcode — Most forgers are not able to replicate a barcode on an ID as the technology required to do so is too difficult or expensive to obtain.

This barcode includes all the information that is physically visible on the front of the ID.

A quick scan can show that the barcode is fake, or has information on it from a different ID.


Idanalyzer — There is an passport verification tool called Idanalyzer that allows you to scan IDs and passports to look for authentic information.

This API can be used on IDs and passports from more than 100 countries and is able to pick up any information that may be fake.

Many businesses are now using Idanalyzer as it is an excellent way to identify fake IDs and thus protect themselves and their business from potential fraud.

This is a particularly good way to identify customers who may be using fake IDs in order to write checks or use credit cards.