
Alright, guys. Let’s dig into this 23andme review, shall we?23andme is a biotechnology and personal genomics company that has private ownership. The company was established in the year 2006 and mainly deals with the provision of genetic testing and the interpretation to its consumers. The 23andme company’s location is in Mountain View California. The basis for the company’s name was on the 23 pairs of chromosomes that found in the typical human cell. The company is widely renowned and recognized for the efforts and services in genetic testing. In 2008, the group was identified by the time magazine for the invention of the year on the company’s saliva-based direct to consumer genetic testing project.

Products, Services, and Research

The company provides a variety of quality services and products including direct to consumer genetic testing introduced in 2007. The service entails testing of saliva using samples which is SNP partially genotyped. The company also posts results and clients have access to online genealogical DNA test results. 23andme provides information to the consumers to assist them in making decisions about lifestyle choices. The company also offers products like the genetic tests sold to customers alongside the services. Over time, the company has evolved regarding changing and adjusting products and services to find the best finally. Through the thorough medical research level exhibited by the employees, the company has been able to make use of the available large pool of private customer data sets to provide the best quality services. The company has partnered with other biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in researching alongside DNA testing. The researchers have analyzed several diseases such as lupus and inflammatory bowel disease through utilizing the data at their disposal. In 2015, the company went ahead to further pursue in developing their drugs as opposed to relying on pharmaceutical companies. The company has received financing from several parties to help in the research including Sequoia and Wallenberg Foundation to support the numerous progresses in the field of genetics.

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The Drawbacks

The company’s genetic services and products have been in question due to the constant conflict with the Food and Drug Administration and the states. In 2008, the state of New York and California were forced to compel the company to obtain a CLIA license for their laboratories to sell their genetic tests to the consumers. 23andMe Company, at last, managed to secure the CLIA license in August 2008 and continued selling their product in the states of California and New York. In 2013, the again the FDA questioned the integrity of the products and the services due to their failure to meet the FDA stipulated criteria. The FDA targeted the saliva collection kit and the personal genome services as they were concerned about the consequences of the products and services on the consumers. For some time the company continued selling the services and products without approval until 2017 April when the company obtained approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Despite the drawbacks, the company has at last been able to achieve the necessary legal requirements to provide the DNA services.